Friday, February 24, 2012


You might think that we are getting a vacation from politics while we're down here but you'd be wrong. The election of mayors and legislators will be held on March 11 and the campaigning is in full swing. These are some pictures of a major parade and rally a while back. Trucks roam the streets and countryside day and night blasting campaign info to all. The telephone poles are all painted with campaign colors and messages.

It's a little like one long, constant homecoming parade with the truck loads of people chanting and blowing horns. Even the animals get in the act.
There are probably four viable political parties active in this area. We, of course, are not political and stay completely neutral but in the privacy of the garage Warren tried on some political garb he was given. Posing with him are two members of the pastoral team...Blanca and Jesus.
After the parade there was a huge rally near the park with massive loud speakers and lots of music and speeches. We hear that the free street dance lasted until 4 AM!

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