April 15,2017, Saturday - Better night of sleep. Didn't wake up until about 4:30 to the sound of birds.
Heard men's voices last night and this morning there were a couple of 40 year olds, speaking French, I think. Spoke in quiet voices and couldn't tell exactly. Only a brief greeting and then back to each other.
I saw some cases that look like surf boards. Perhaps they will be going to the beach today. El Salvador has a reputation, among other things, of having some fine beaches as well as great surf.
I hear them speaking with the staff in Spanish. Observation - We Americans, with the exception of Tom Mott, speak only one. Can you name one person in Newton who is fluent in another language with the exception of a language teacher at the high school? Oh, I forgot, Lawrence! How much, I bet, he would like some of us to learn a greeting or a word or phrase in his native tongue.
Going to give you some pictures of where I'm staying. The shower is so hot I had to turn off the electric element. The food is really gourmet and I think of the contrast here in comparison to where I'll be visiting in a few days. A different world. Such a disconnect in this world; between those who have and those who don't. I'm glad I'm part of the former and not the later. In truth, the only people I really know are those who "have" in abundance; the only people who will read this are those who have. Except those in Muñoces and, as has been pointed out to me recently, I don't even know them. Sad.
Well today I'll make my way to the center of town and, if I'm feeling strong, walk through Mercado Central. It has been several years since I've done that. It seems to be the most lively place on the planet which I'm sure is the case for every market in the world. I wonder if I'll see anyone I met on my first visits there? I notice the police seem to keep an eye on me and that is comforting. Hopefully, those who might see me as easy pick'ins are aware of the police even more than me.
Should be another hot one so I'm going to get going just as soon as breakfast is eaten. It's terrifically dry and I'm having a difficult time drinking enough water to feel hydrated. I'm not sweating except while walking. I've been drinking and drinking but don't seem to get ahead.
Oh yes, importantly, the YUCCA, the ice cream and potato have all been welcomed in my gut. Enough said. I'll be more adventuresome today. I hope my system is becoming stronger. I've been careful about brushing my teeth but that may change, We'll see.
Just noticed the 2 guys are gone as well as their cases. It's been nice being the only one residing here.
Caught Bus 26 to Mercado Central. Not many people riding today. Must be the holiday weekend.
The final route was different than I remembered so I had to jump off and re-oriente myself. Good thing that I like to walk. My philosophy is to walk rapidly even if you're not sure where you're going. If anyone is watching they will think you not lost or weak.
Bought some things in the market; 4 AA batteries .25, 5 mangoes .50, Mas .25, bag for my small laptop $6.00. They really don't use the paper dollars. They get gritty and dirty, so the dollar coin is often given in change.
The market is like a living organism. Tiendas that were there last time I was here are gone. Some of the streets have no shops. Others where there had been none are now too crowded. It's difficult to pass without bumping into others and trying to dodge cars and pickup trucks threading their way through the tangle of humanity.
Not really so busy as I might have led you to believe so it was an enjoyable stroll,listening and smelling (oh add fish and fruit to the list of aromas I wrote about the other day) that stimulate the nose. You might be able to get a whiff if you look intently enough at the pictures. Dang no pictures
I think that locals seeing a gringo strolling through the market might buoy their feeling that if he is walking around here it can't be too bad. Although right after I had the that thought I bought a Mas news paper and it was full of articles about folks being killed, including a 45 year old coconut vender shot and a picture of her body laying beside her tienda.
Back at Oasis. The girls read the church's letter to Muñoces and I filled them in on the history and the current project. They gave me some feed back on my remarks to each family. Sorry just one picture. But it's a good one of my three Spanish tutorizadas.
Not going to have much time so I'm planning to give each family the letter and tell them that we have received the decision to end the relationship, that we're sorry they are making that decision, that we had hoped this would be a long friendship, but that we respect their decision and, in saying good-bye, thank them for their kindness and hospitalidad. We wish them nothing but the best and they will forever be in our hearts.
I'll be glad when this project is in the review mirror.
I'm going to attempt a couple of visits tomorrow and then board the bus to Berlin. More later.
DOUBLE RATS my card reader has lost all my pictures from today and some from yesterday! Sorry!
More later, and that will be from Berlin! Ojala, Warren
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