Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 12 - My Napkin Challenge

One more performance on trombone of Jesus Christ Superstar on Saturday night and final caste party,
biked to church, sang in the church choir on Sunday, lunch with Linda at Burger King and last minute preparations before departure at 5:45 AM Monday morning for El Salvador.

Monday - RATS! 7:00 having breakfast at home.
Up at 3:00 but due to some issues, a late departure from Des Moines would cause me to miss my Atlanta flight which was also over booked due to weather problems in that city.

So back to bed.

Now I'm booked to leave on Wednesday same time.  Now to reschedule my time at home and in El Salvador.

Tuesday 4-11-2017 getting ready to go tomorrow morning but I still have today to Subway with Mike and Dave, although they went yesterday as well.  Norm is on a trip with his brothers.

Monday evening Linda I ate at Arby's then went to Grinnell college to practice with the band and chorus.  Helps keep my mind calm.  Starting to get the pre-trip feelings. Hope there are no more disruptions.   I got my reservations in San Salvador and Berlin changed - both very accommodating.

Wednesday 3:00 am woke up and out of the house by 3:40.  This is what an 80 years old Erickson look like at 4:30 am.

My napkin gives me my motto for the trip. Although I know I'm not going to change anything, nevertheless it's a nice thought to accompany me on this journey.

Beautiful sun rise at 24,000 feet on way to Atlanta.

Arrrived in Atlanta at 7:30, caught the train to E31 and noticed that I was taller, whiter and the only one saying "thank you" instead of "Gracias."  That  changed fast.

Compañeras de silla were two ladies from Usulutan who helped me practice my Spanish.

Pleasant flight arriving at 12:30 which was my 11:30.  Got to find out what's up with that.

The terminal has been remodeled and really looks nice but I had to ask directions.  Notice the brown rope with the green frons at the at the top.  Nice artistic touch.

Got my visa for $10, picked up my bags and got the green light.  Out in the the 95 deg. heat. ¡Carrumba!

Antonio, my taxista came up with an offer that beat walking with my bags and he took me to Hotel Oasis.  The traffic was horrendous. We talked politics on the ride in.  He didn't think much of his current  president Sanches Cerran. Likewise me for mine, so we had something in common right out of the gate!!!  I knew there was something about him I liked.

Got a nice room at the Hotel that I've stayed at previously and had a terrific What'sapp video call to my sweetheart.   That is one fine app!!!

Going to walk the neighborhood and start getting aculturated or aculturized (not sure which word to use) but so far I feel pretty comfortable although Antonio said to be careful.

Walked up to San Luis  Plaza got a Lector de  Tarjeta (Card Reader) for the SD that broke. 

Ate at McDonalds - Yuck - Nothing else available.  BIGGEST appears to have been gobbled up by McD.  Shame.

Beautiful statue of Torogocen (large birds of El Salvador)  in a redondel, a familiar sight.

Back to Oasis and work on the blog.

Satisfying day.  Finally here and settling in.  Tomorrow will try to connect with friends.

Buenas noches mi esposa y mis amigos.


ps thanks to my granddaughter Elysha and my grandson Caleb,my new laptop tablet is working better than I anticipated.  Thanks you two!!!

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