Monday, March 26, 2012


After lunch and a final meeting with the directiva (city council) it was time for fiesta! With the help of the Pastoral team we hosted a party complete with gifts....a raffle of hand-knit items from ladies in our church, clothing and hats from Skiff Medical Center, and other donations. We had enough items that every family in the community received something.
The community provided music with their very fine band and the ladies of the community made enough tamales for everyone!

Of course their were for the girls and one for the boys.

And Warren produced a slide show of pictures and video clips from our time in the school. As you can see he drew a large crowd of our students...and a few parents and grandparents to watch the show.

We provided a drink and some cookies. Steve Hopkins was in the thick of the action as he handed out the goodies from the door of the church while keeping his injured leg propped up.

The oldest man in town...Jose...danced with Kathy, the mission co-worker and Linda Anderson played a fiddle with the band. Farewell speeches of gratitude from both our delegation and the community were heartfelt. Most of the community turned out for the event and I think it's safe to say that a good time was had by all! Before long it was time to say goodbye....until next year!

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